My solutions to poverty

So talking about poverty is easy. Now it's time to take action. Here are some of the things you can do:

  • Donate to charities if you have the means. Make sure you read up on the charities and know that your money is being applied as intended.
  • When you travel, don't shy away from small family restaurants and businesses. Going to McDonalds or some other chain restaurant while abroad isn't helping anything.
  • Don't treat poor people any differently! Most of the time they're good people that were born into poverty. Don't be one of those people that assumes because someone is poor they're going to rob you or are involved in criminal activity.
  • Read about poverty and other world issues to become better informed. There are huge misconceptions when it comes to poverty, and it never hurts to be better informed.
  • Don't buy things from companies that practice some sort of slave labor, or manufacture everything abroad in order to pay very low labor wages.